February 5, 2024
Product News

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024

What's been going on at The Data Refinery as we kick start 2024- read on for an update on how we closed off 2023 with new feature releases and platform improvements.
Product Roundup - January 2024

Welcome to the New Year!

So, it’s been a crazy few months for everyone at The Data Refinery since our last product update back in September 2023. We have been working super hard on a raft of new product improvements along with welcoming lots of new customers to the platform.

This is a pretty big update so TL;DR; - New year, new features, and some really interesting data science and AI enhancements inbound.

Product News

Interaction Insights

We consume broad datasets as part of connectivity to a huge number of source systems. We have been working closely with several of our customers to understand the most useful and vital data points contained within these systems. This then allows us to surface charts and dashboards that are valuable to all customers.

We have recently released a raft of interaction driven reports, where an interaction is an event that has occurred across any of the connected systems channels (a purchase, email, website visit, support request, phone call, etc.).

This information enables business to monitor and evaluate the impact of an initiative or event, this could be a new advertising campaign, a new or changed website, new products, or pricing adjustments. The ability to quickly understand impact (good or bad) ensures a business can rapidly adjust to the outcomes of such initiatives.

Such reports are typically found in ESP systems relating to email or SMS interactions. As with everything in The Data Refinery, we have now centralised this type of report which allow users to see this information and start to overlay other data sets such as revenue, product, and operations data.

Take a look...

Interaction dashboard screenshot

Filter Customisation

With our users constantly creating charts and dashboards to generate company or domain specific insights, we wanted to ensure dashboards could be re-used and tweaked easily, especially by non-technical users.

To achieve this, we have enabled dashboard builders to add overarching filter components to a dashboard. When in view mode, these filters can then be used to control the data housed with the dashboards.

The end result looks a bit like this:

Custom filter screenshot


Dot Digital (Beta)

The Data Refinery now supports Dot Digital as a data source. Dot Digital data can be configured for both core ingest and guided analytics. This connection is currently in beta, we will be looking to release this connection generally in March 2023.

Wireless Social

The Data Refinery now supports Wireless Social asa data source. Wireless Social data can be configured for both core ingest and guided analytics. This connection requires a file-based connection to read the data (SFTP, AWS S3, One Drive, Google Sheets, etc.).

General Improvements

See below for a list of minor improvements and bug-fixes that have landed since our last roundup:

·     Resolved an issue where sorting of dashboard data was sometimes not working.

·     Resolved an issue where chart templates did notsave correctly.

·     Resolved an issue where in some scenarios the data search function would fail.

·     Resolved an issue where in some scenarios invoice totals were missing from the billing screen.

·     Resolved an issue where an incorrect cache was used depending on the order of screen views.

·     Resolved an issue where in some scenarios drilling into data segments resulted in a 404 not found error.

·     Updated several backend services to improve performance.

·     Added a new connection authentication link to allow users to delegate connection setup.

·     Updated the primary navigation to include a dedicated Customer Menu.

·     Updated the primary navigation to include retail or subscription-based reports dependant on connected data sources


Our roadmap can be viewed here, and is ever evolving, we strive ensure that all future features are based upon and prioritised via customer and community feedback.

Want to see these changes in action? Drop us a message and we'll show you howThe Data Refinery can work for you! Alternatively, sign up and try out The Data Refinery for yourself.

Other News

Snowflake Partnership

The Data Refinery has been using the Snowflake Data Cloud for a number of years, as a platform it provides the scalability and performance that allows us to do all the crazy things we do with data. Many of our customers have also seen that value and have used our platform to kick start their own journey in using the Snowflake Data cloud.

Given the success of the collaboration between The DataRefinery and Snowflake, we are extremely proud to announce we are now part of the Powered by Snowflake program.


We have a hectic schedule ahead for 2024, in the next couple of months you will find us at:

The Delivery Conference on the 6th of February.

Attending? Please say hello to the team, you’ll find us on stand #3, we are always happy to talk all things data.

Retail Technology Show on the 24th – 25th April

IRX on the 22nd – 23rd May


More news to come on those new customers soon!

Maximise your data value

See how The Data Refinery can unlock the value in your data.
Director of Product at The Data Refinery

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