June 14, 2023
Product News

What's New in May '23

What's been going on at The Data Refinery during May '23 - here is an update on new feature releases and platform improvements.
The Data Refinery Product Roundup - May 2023


We have shipped a couple of new integrations this month to further extend our capability to gather data from systems that our customers use.


We have enhanced our inbound connection from the E-Commerce platform Magento. We are now able to produce automated insights and integrate this system with typical CRM and Ad platform data.

Woo Commerce

We have also enhanced our inbound connection from the E-Commerce platform Woo Commerce. We are now able to produce automated insights and integrate this system with typical CRM and Ad platform data.


Prospective customers of The Data Refinery can now sign up for a trial or paid plan directly from our website. This allows new user of The Data Refinery to be up and running in minutes. Sign up for a free trial now

Billing Management

We have introduced billing and subscription management within our platform, customers can now upgrade the active subscription or change billing information, all from our billing management screen.

Role Management

We had feedback from our clients that the management of user access was too granular and in some cases confusing. We listened and have released a new simplified set of roles that cover the key activities within the platform.

General Improvements

See below for a list of minor improvements and bug-fixes that have landed since our last roundup:


Our roadmap can be viewed here, and is ever-evolving, we will ensure that all future features are based upon and prioritised via customer and community feedback.

Want to see these changes in action? Drop us a message and we'll show you how The Data Refinery can work for you! Alternatively sign up and try out The Data refinery for yourself.

Maximise your data value

See how The Data Refinery can unlock the value in your data.
Director of Product at The Data Refinery

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